Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year!

Hello Kitty is just dropping in to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas Trees and Kitties

We all know the trouble our feline friends can get into with Christmas trees...

For these reasons and others I don't want to think, our tree didn't go up until a few days before Christmas! But Hello Kitty is a good girl, don't you think? She & I both wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

Monday, September 5, 2016


This bundle of furry black cuteness entered my life on April 27th of this year. My husband was leaving for work, and saw this poor kitty hiding under the steps outside - cold, wet, and scared. My brain said, you already have 5 cats, but my heart said, she needs me :-)
 After a closer inspection though, it was HE that needed me, not she, but I already loved him and didn't care. We took him to the shelter to make sure he didn't belong to anyone, and they kept him there to give him his shots and have him neutered. After what seemed like an impossibly long waiting period, I was finally able to bring Jet home for good on May 11th. He's the sweetest and fluffiest of all my fur babies. My teddy bear :-)

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Crazy Chinese Cat

They must have Crazy Cat Ladies in China too!
This one was waving at me at the Chinese Buffet!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Black Cat Lives Matter!

Would I adopt a black cat? I'm a crazy cat lady, of course I would! No crazy cat lady collection is complete without one! (or three!)
My black fur babies - Frost, Jet, and Samuel

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Me Going Shopping!

OK, so I am already Mom to 6 cats, so what am I doing at the Animal Shelter playing with more? I'm a Crazy Cat Lady!